You probably have heard that you can get 1% cash back on all purchases using credit cards but you think that it’s not worth the risk of opening a credit card. However, if you are already spending $10,000 a year on debit cards that means you are missing out on 1% or $100. Who doesn’t want a free $100. That’s just with 1%, if you follow these steps below you could be making a consistent 15%-20% which comes out to $1,500 – $2,000. So, let’s learn how to take advantage of credit cards. Here are the free steps that other websites want to sell to you, credit card companies don’t…
How the Credit Bureaus Look at Your Credit Score
Monitoring your credit score is an easy way to stay in touch with your finances, think of it as having a scale in your bathroom, not only does it provide you with information about yourself, but it also can give an incentive to get off your butt and start working on it. Credit Karma doesn’t just give you your credit score, but it also breaks down your Credit factors for you.  Here are the 6 credit factors Credit Karma looks at to improve your score: Credit Card Utilization: the percentage of your used credit over your available credit; Derogatory marks: missed payments, late fees…; Total accounts open: track your credit…